Installing Vorple for Inform 6
These instructions apply when you have Vorple installed locally on your own computer. They are not necessary when writing online with Borogove — you can skip this article and go directly to Authoring with Vorple in Inform 6.
First install a local server following these instructions. If you then download the extensions package and unzip it, you can use it as a base to build your project, or copy the extensions (.h files) to an existing project. See the authoring with Vorple in Inform 6 article for details on how to use them.
After compiling the project with Inform you should have a .ulx file. If you run it in a standard interpreter, it likely won't support Vorple — but it won't crash, and your game will still be playable. However, we have a web interpreter that will run the Vorple effects correctly!
In the download package there is a file called "play.html". If you edit the file you should see a line that looks like like
// URL to the game file
story: "test.ulx"
Just replace "test.ulx" with the name of your story file. While the local server is running, open a web browser and go to http://localhost/play.html
(Windows with nginx) or http://localhost:8000/play.html
(Mac/Linux with Python) to play the game.