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Module file

This module is the access point to the virtual filesystem.

The system uses BrowserFS to handle the virtual filesystem in browser's localstorage. See https://jvilk.com/browserfs/1.4.1/classes/_backend_localstorage_.localstoragefilesystem.html for the full API. The getFS method can be used to retrieve the filesystem object that can be used to access the BrowserFS API directly.

All methods in this module use the synchronous versions of the filesystem methods (readFileSync, writeFileSync etc.)





ASYNC_FS_ROOT: "/extended/" = "/extended/"

The directory root for the extended filesystem which has more space (IndexedDB) and uses asynchronous access.

HANDSHAKE_FILENAME: "VpHndshk" = "VpHndshk"
INFORM_PATH: string = ...

The directory where Inform reads author-provided files (not saves or transcripts).

SAVEFILE_PATH: string = ...

Save file directory in the extended filesystem.

TMP_PATH: "/tmp" = "/tmp"

The directory for temporary files. The temporary directory is emptied after leaving the page.

TRANSCRIPT_PATH: string = ...

Transcripts directory in the extended filesystem.

VORPLE_PATH: string = ...

The directory Vorple uses for its own files for communication between the interpreter and the game file.


  • Copies a file to another location or name in the filesystem.


    • source: string

      File to copy

    • target: string

      Target directory or the new name

    • options: FileCopyOptions = ...

      An optional options object.

    Returns boolean

    Returns true on success, false otherwise.

  • Does a file or directory exist in the virtual filesystem?


    • filename: string

      File or directory name to check

    • options: FileExistsOptions = ...

      An optional options object

    Returns boolean

    Returns true if the file/directory exists, false otherwise.

  • filePrompt(callback: ((filename: null | string) => void), filepath?: string): void
  • Show a modal asking the user to provide a filename.


    • callback: ((filename: null | string) => void)

      The function to call with the filename as the parameter after the user has selected the filename, or null if action was canceled

        • (filename: null | string): void
        • Parameters

          • filename: null | string

          Returns void

    • filepath: string = INFORM_PATH

      The root path of the file

    Returns void

  • getFS(): FSModule | null
  • inAsyncFS(fullPath: string): boolean
  • Check if a file is in a filesystem that requires asynchronous access.

    (Asynchronous file access isn't officially supported so this is for internal use only.)



    • fullPath: string

      Path to the file. Must be a full path, not relative.

    Returns boolean

  • Returns an object with information about a file or directory.


    • filename: string

      File or directory

    • options: FileInfoOptions = ...

      An optional options object

    Returns FileInfo | null

    Returns the FileInfo information object, or null if the file or directory doesn't exist.

  • informHeader(project: string, filename: string, ready?: boolean): string
  • Creates a header for Inform 7 files. If the story is made with Inform 6, this method returns an empty string.


    • project: string

      Project's name

    • filename: string

      Filename, path is automatically removed

    • ready: boolean = true

      If true, the file is marked "ready" for Inform 7

    Returns string

    Returns the Inform 7 header or an empty string for Inform 6.

  • init(): Promise<FSModule>
  • Initialize the filesystem. This gets called automatically when calling vorple.init() but it can be called manually before that to get access to the filesystem earlier.

    The method returns a promise that resolves into the BrowserJS filesystem object, but after the promise has resolved all vorple.file.* are also available.

    async function getAccessToFS() {
    const fs = await vorple.file.init();

    // fs is now the BrowserFS filesystem object (what you'd get from vorple.file.getFS())
    // also all vorple.file.* methods are now available
    vorple.file.write("info.txt", "Filesystem is now available");

    Returns Promise<FSModule>

    Returns a promise that resolves to the filesystem object.

  • Check if a file has been marked ready for Inform 7 to read.

    If the file doesn't exist, it doesn't have a header, or it can't be read, the method returns false. Error conditions must be checked manually if it's important to make a difference between invalid operation and a file that has been marked not ready.


    • filename: string

      Path to the file

    • options: FileReadyOptions = {}

      An optional options object

    Returns boolean

    Returns true if file is ready, false on error or not ready.

    This method always returns false on Inform 6.

  • markReady(filename: string, ready?: boolean, options?: FileReadyOptions): boolean
  • Marks a file ready to read (or not ready to read) for Inform 7. This is equivalent of the phrases "mark (external file) as ready to read" and "mark (external file) as not ready to read" in Inform 7.

    If the file doesn't have an Inform 7 header the method does nothing and returns false.

    In Inform 6 this method does nothing and always returns false.


    • filename: string

      Path to the file

    • ready: boolean = true

      If true, marks the file ready. Otherwise marks the file not ready.

    • options: FileReadyOptions = {}

      An optional options object

    Returns boolean

    Returns true if operation was successful, false otherwise. Returns true even if no change was made to the file (was already marked ready.) Always returns false on Inform 6.

  • Create a new directory in the virtual filesystem.

    This does not create missing subdirectories, e.g. mkdir( 'foo/bar' ) won't work if directory 'foo' doesn't exist.


    • dirname: string

      The directory to create

    • options: DirectoryOptions = {}

      An optional options object

    Returns boolean

    Returns true if a directory was created, false otherwise.

  • Moves a file or directory to another directory. If the target doesn't exist, the file or directory is renamed.


    • source: string

      File/directory to move

    • target: string

      Target directory or the new name

    • options: MoveFileOptions = {}

      An optional options object

    Returns boolean

    Returns true on success, false otherwise.

  • path(filename: any, path?: string): string
  • Adds a path to a given filename. See https://nodejs.org/api/path.html#path_path_resolve_paths for rules on how path joining works.

    The default root directory is /inform so vorple.file.path( "foo.txt", "bar" ) will resolve to /inform/bar/foo.txt.

    vorple.file.path( "foo.txt" );                   // --> /inform/foo.txt
    vorple.file.path( "foo.txt", "bar" ); // --> /inform/bar/foo.txt
    vorple.file.path( "foo.txt", "/bar" ); // --> /bar/foo.txt
    vorple.file.path( "../foo.txt", "/bar/xyz" ); // --> /bar/foo.txt
    vorple.file.path( "foo.txt", "/" ); // --> /foo.txt
    vorple.file.path( "/foo.txt", "/bar/xyz" ); // --> /foo.txt


    • filename: any

      Name of the file

    • path: string = "."

      Path where the file is appended

    Returns string

    Returns the full path.

  • Read a text file from the virtual filesystem


    • filename: string

      The file to read

    • options: ReadFileOptions = {}

      An optional options object

    Returns string | null

    Returns the contents of the file, or null file could not be read.

  • Reads the contents of a directory.


    • dirname: string

      Name of the directory

    • options: DirectoryOptions = {}

      An optional options object

    Returns string[] | null

    Returns the list of files and directories as an array of strings. Returns null if the directory doesn't exist or if trying to read a file.

  • resourceUrl(url: string): string
  • Get the URL to a resource, which can be a normal URL or a data URL containing the resource itself. This is used to get the resource files from the Borogove editor.




    • url: string

      URL to the resource

    Returns string

    Returns the URL or a data URL.

  • restoreFilePrompt(gameid: string, callback: ((filename: null | string) => void)): Promise<void>
  • Ask the user to choose a save file to restore.



    • gameid: string

      The IFID of the game

    • callback: ((filename: null | string) => void)

      The function to call with the filename as the parameter after the user has selected the filename, or null if action was canceled

        • (filename: null | string): void
        • Parameters

          • filename: null | string

          Returns void

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Remove a directory from the virtual filesystem. Directory must be empty.


    Returns boolean

    Returns true if a directory was removed, false otherwise.

  • saveFilePrompt(gameid: string, callback: ((filename: null | string) => void)): void
  • Ask the user to provide a filename for saving the transcript.



    • gameid: string

      The IFID of the game

    • callback: ((filename: null | string) => void)

      The function to call with the filename as the parameter after the user has selected the filename, or null if action was canceled

        • (filename: null | string): void
        • Parameters

          • filename: null | string

          Returns void

    Returns void

  • transcriptFilePrompt(callback: ((filename: null | string) => void)): void
  • Ask the user to provide a filename for saving the transcript.



    • callback: ((filename: null | string) => void)

      The function to call with the filename as the parameter after the user has selected the filename, or null if action was canceled

        • (filename: null | string): void
        • Parameters

          • filename: null | string

          Returns void

    Returns void

  • Unlink (i.e. delete) a file from the virtual filesystem. Use rmdir to remove directories.


    • filename: string

      File to unlink

    • options: UnlinkOptions = {}

      An optional options object

    Returns boolean

    Returns true if the file was removed, false otherwise.

  • write(filename: string, contents: string | Uint8Array | Buffer, options?: WriteFileOptions): boolean
  • Write a file to the virtual filesystem.


    • filename: string

      Filename/path to write

    • contents: string | Uint8Array | Buffer

      Contents of what to write to the file, either a string or a byte array

    • options: WriteFileOptions = {}

      An optional options object

    Returns boolean

    Returns true on success, false otherwise.

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